Business Update Augustus 2020

by Bart van de Kooij, on Aug 31, 2020 2:49:45 PM

Every week, we’re welcoming more new Minibrewers and we are looking forward to hearing your experience. Feel free to share feedback with the Facebook community and tag us on Twitter / instagram with @myminibrew or #minibrew.

A number of exciting things are happening. First, we want to talk about shipping orders. Furthermore, Tekniikan Maailma from Finland did a review, one the biggest tech magazines. For those who didn’t see it, they tested MiniBrew and made gorgeous pictures which they published in their magazine. In this update you will find more information about Shipping, Craft Pro Lite, Support Team and latest software updates.

Shipping outside EU

Our product is designed, manufactured and certified for markets with a 220-240 Volt network. That said, we have been testing MiniBrew on other volt networks, such as 110-130 Volt and it works great. The only thing that you require is a transformer.

Initially our plan was to ship units from a U.S. distribution warehouse to match the shipping cost from $65, but MiniBrew’s situation delayed this process. Right now, as many of you can’t wait on the machine, we’re offering direct shipping by DPD or UPS to the other side of the pond straight from our warehouse in Hoofddorp (the Netherlands). It’s an expensive option, but for now it's the only option to ship orders outside of the EU at this time The average cost to ship from the Netherlands to the U.S. is around €300 for a Craft and €500 for a CRAFT Pro Lite. This excludes import duties. Please reach out to the customer support team at if you would like to make use of this option.

Development 110 -130 Volt model

To be more transparent about the situation if there is a 110-130 volt model coming, we would like to share a few things. Last year, we made a blueprint for a 110-130 volt model and these models have been in active development the past year. Sadly, due to COVID-19 our manufacturer had to temporary close its doors and therefore the development has been postponed.

Review of Tekniikan Maailma

Great news from Finland. Tekniikan Maailma got a Minibrew review unit and did a brew session to make his own beer. By the looks and experience he enjoyed the MiniBrew. We are grateful that Aleksi Herttua took the time to review the MiniBrew and shared in detail the experience.

Aleksi used a brewpack to make his own first beer and later on looked into tweaking the recipes with our Pro-membership (license brewery portal). For example he thought about adding your own malt and a touch of banana.

We encourage you to be creative when using Minibrew Pro Membership. Being able to make your own beer creates a range of possibilities and we’re keen to hear from. Perhaps you can share your experience on

Craft Pro Lite is back!!

As many of you want to purchase a Craft Pro Lite to make your own recipes, we can tell there are multiple options to get your hands on. We have a few Craft Pro Lite systems available starting from €1499. This includes two kegs in total. Get yours in on

If you just want to start brewing your own recipe but not sure to double the volume. You can get the CRAFT + a Pro Membership for only €1288.

Software update: iOS 12

We will no longer offer support for the MiniBrew app on Apple devices running iOS 11 or lower from the beginning of September 2020.

Why? As iOS updates are released they provide users with increased security and modern features. This allows us to ensure that the users of the MiniBrew app will get to experience the app as it is meant to be experienced.

Anything you need to do? We advise users of iOS 11 or below to update to a more recent iOS version, the latest version is preferred but any version starting from 12 will be able receive new app updates.

What if your device doesn’t support iOS 12? you will still be able to use version 1.24 of the MiniBrew app but you should be aware that:

  • You will no longer be able to receive updates of the MiniBrew app
  • Support for the shop will be dropped this year as it will receive a replacement in app version 1.25.

Recipe in sharing in Brewery Portal

We've noticing that you have been waiting to share in an easy way recipes in the pro-environment, the brewery Portal. On of the MiniBrewers Vince made his own tool, called Brewmates to make this possible. We think it's a great initiative. Sharing recipes between users has been placed in development for a while, but put on hold due to the re-structure.  From the start, we believe that recipes should be shared in easy way and we will offer this features soon.  Before, we launch this features we would like to have more input from you. It's only a 1-min 3 set of questionnaire.

Mash tun 2.0

This month, we’ve received a new batch of Mash tun version 2.0. A lot of research has been conducted, before we felt it was safe to ship this version to a select group of BETA users and ordering a larger batch to use as a future spare part. In many ways the new mash tun has improvement on multiple fronts. Our engineers improved the thickness of the outside wall. The clips you use to secure the lid on the mash tun have a separate area. We hope these improvements will lead to less cracks. 

At the moment, we've ran out of mash tuns are and not able to ship anything. We expect a new set of mash tun to come in within the next month.

If you have questions about your Minibrew CRAFT, Minibrew CRAFT Pro, the delivery, or any other concerns, you can reach out to us at We hope you like these regular updates and look forward to hearing feedback in the comments below.

